Give your sponsors a gift! 10 creative ideas for sponsor rewards

Sponsorship is an essential aspect of both getting attention for events and fundraising to produce them. Rewarding those who help make things happen solidifies a relationship in the athletics you love, and enhances the event for those who participate and those who donate.  

Here are my top 10 rewards for those who help make events happen:

1. Branding

One of the best methods of getting larger donations, is from mid- to large-sized businesses or entrepreneurial start ups. Allowing a company to have its name behind an event, team, or individual, is a powerful tool of recognition. This benefits both parties beyond monetary gain. Many of the largest sporting events include easily recognizable branding for those that provide sponsorship backing.

2. VIP attendance

People who invest into events generally enjoy the sport  that’s on display. A great method of raising funds is to allow those with a strong interest in specific athletics to have precedence in various aspects of it. There is nothing better than being at the front of the crowd, or having access to catering and comfortable seating.

3. Attendance package

A gift given during attendance is an excellent prize for those who want to help someone achieve. Items don’t need to be extravagant and items related to the athletics involved and memorabilia, like posters and pictures of the venue or athletes — can help make the reward even more meaningful.

4. Name recognition

Having sponsor’s names, affiliations, and businesses announced during an event is excellent for increasing notoriety amongst those attending.

5. Progress tracking

Those who sponsor an individual or team’s training sessions, like to see the progress their sponsorship is having. Giving them a report on the progress and achievements of their sponsor encourage continued donations, and a feeling of being a part of the team.

6. Tickets to events

Someone who believes in a team or specific athlete want to see the fruits of their labor. Being able to bring others with them to events, not only satisfies their interest in the sport, but allows the sponsor to bring family, friends, and even prospective sponsors, to view what their donation has helped achieve.

7. Pamphlet advertising and product promotions

A great way of getting the word out is by using pamphlets to bring attention to an athlete, team, or event. Allowing local sponsors to have an ad within are a great way to reward them, and encourages business sponsors to endorse your intentions while giving them a chance to promote their products.

8. Meet the athlete/team

An excellent way to put joy into sponsors who love the events they donate to, is to allow them to meet the individuals they are sponsoring. This gives an intimate interaction that will allow them to hear the stories, motivations, and dreams of the individuals they are funding.

9.  Live streaming

This is a great way to extend visibility, while allowing people to sponsor something even though they may not be able to personally attend events or training. Issues like limited seating, distance, and sold-out tickets can be solved by extending an audience through streaming services.

10. Gaming and catering events

Creating an event around sponsors is great for allowing people to mingle and talk about the sports and athletes they love. With a nice setting and a gathering of like-minded people, a sponsor can relax and enjoy a feeling of participation in the community they want to endorse.

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