How to choose a wheelchair for your first wheelchair race

Wheelchair racing is a highly competitive and physically taxing sport, so choosing the best racing chair is important to helping you achieve the best results. Thousands of people participate in these exciting races, which require superb endurance and technique to achieve the high speeds and consistent pace to compete. Wheelchair racers are known for their powerful upper body strength and body fitness, as it is recommended to be under 200lbs (90.7kg) to participate in these races.

Observing an event is the best way to get an idea of what people are using and winning with. Don’t be afraid to ask the participants at these events, as that communication can be extremely valuable.

Racing chairs are tri-wheel, and depending on your physical condition, it is important to customize the racing chair to your needs, the most important thing being a proper fit. Making sure you fit into your chair like a glove is essential to properly controlling your movements during the race, while also maintaining the highest level of comfort.

The important aspects to consider beyond comfort is the position you will be in during the race. Other than being a tri wheelchair, other aspects include the brake and compensator. These need to be accessible to your position.

A kneeling seat chair is the most common chair for adult paraplegic racers. The seats are narrow and fitted to the racer. It takes technique to get into the chairs, but as long as you feel fitted and accustomed to the chair, that’s all that matters.

For amputees, one needs to make sure the racer wheelchair is in the basket style or adjustable to compensate. Invacare has an excellent chair that adjusts for both situations. It is also important that amputees have comfortable access to the brakes and compensator. Another very popular company is Draft which specializes in wheelchair racing.

This article covers the top companies in the racing field, it’s important to look over the various brands, but most importantly it is important to be fitted and comfortable with your investment.

If you want to look around to find the right fit online, just make sure your aren’t buying a handcycle, as those style cycles are not meant for those without the use of leg function. It should be easy to tell the difference, but it is something to keep in mind.

In the end, it’s all about a custom fit to your body and a properly maintained chair. After that, it’s all about you, as an athlete. Treat it like your chariot and reach the goals you wish to achieve!


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